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The PLANETech Impact Hypothesis tool was designed for the PLANETech community members to learn about their potential climate impact.
More about PLANETech


This tool enables the preliminary evaluation of the climate impact of your innovation in tons CO2eq. The calculation includes one predominant way in which your innovation reduces or avoids greenhouse gas emissions, and one dominant emission source associated with fabrication or implementation of your innovation.

Your PLANETech Impact Hypothesis, describing your innovation, assumptions and potential climate impact, is a short statement using LCA emission data, and is a basis for the next stage, more detailed forecast of your climate impact.

To make your Impact Hypothesis, answer the questions in the sections below:

Email your results

To receive your Impact Hypothesis in your mailbox,
and share it with us, please provide your email.

A copy of your Impact Hypothesis is shared with PLANETech
To use this tool anonymously, simply don‘t provide an email and we will not store your data, even if you save your work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add my own impact data?
Yes, for instance to add custom transport data:
  1. Select 'Transport'
  2. Select 'add custom transport' (from the bottom of the list)
  3. Change 'specify custom transport' to 'electric car per km'
  4. Provide the climate impact in kgCO2eq for this electric car per km
  5. Provide the source you use for this data, preferably as a link
Can I save a file to get back to it later?
Yes you can save your Impact Hypothesis:
  1. Click 'Save' (on the top to the right)
  2. A file will download to your computer
  3. Your data is not stored online
To continue with a previously saved Impact Hypothesis:
  1. Click 'Open' (on the top to the right)
  2. Select a previously downloaded Impact Hypothesis file on your computer
  3. You can continue working
What is the source of the data used?
We use the LCD database IdeMat, in the Impact Hypothesis and Climate Impact Forecast. The data is also available as an IOs and Android app.